Server and Network Technologies

Hosting Technology
Our Shared Web Hosting plans offer customers the advantage of Plesk®. With this option, customers benefit from feature-rich solutions that provide ample functionality for the average website owner. Plesk® administrative panel is simple to use and customers are able to quickly and easily provision applications for their websites, effectively increasing the functionality with a click of the mouse.
Because of the ease-of-use afforded through this product, it provides a non-intimidating option for customers who are new to website hosting. cPanel® offers several scripts/applications to enhance your websites functionality, yet does not require extensive knowledge to use.


Never Oversold
Many web hosts offer their clients 10GB of space for a ridiculously low price. However, if all clients actually used that much space the company could not stay in business. The server itself costs more than what they would earn from customers. It's like selling someone a Lamborghini for the cost of a VW and when the car is delivered it's a VW.

We want to be honest with our customers. Most personal sites only need .5GB or 500MB of space. A small website with graphics will require less than 200MB of space. However, we're giving our clients much more space than that. On our basic plan we are giving our clients 1GB of space which is 1000MB. This way we can stay in business and our clients still have a lot of space to use. Our owner recalls hosting a site back in the '90's that offered a lot of space and when he checked the amount he actually had it was lower. We don't want to do that to our customers.


Internet Data Center

  • N+1 redundancy of cooling towers, water pumps and chillers
  • Fire detection and suppression systems for 24/7 operations of your critical systems
  • Dual power availability to each rack unit from independent Power Distribution Units (PDUs) removes PDU loss as a single point of failure
  • N+1 redundancy of uninterruptible power supplies
  • Redundant generator power supplies, in the event of a power failure from commercial power
  • Tier 1 Network
  • 10 Gigabit-per-second (OC192) coast-to-coast backbone network
  • Built-in fail-over through redundant router and switch configuration in the CyberCenter LAN
  • Dual ports available from unique switches
  • Scalability through 10 to 1000 Mbps bandwidth ports
  • Agilent FireHunter (throughput monitoring)
  • Veritas Nerve Center (router and switch event correlation)


Network Equipment

Cisco Systems is the largest provider of network hardware the world over, and is pleased to to bring you the most reliable web hosting network possible. Each piece of our network is duplicated to provide the best possible uptime and entire network is built on the latest and highest speed standards such as Gigabit Ethernet. This scaleable, highly reliable network is backed by our experienced network engineers, who constantly monitor the health of the network to eliminate network congestion and prevent any failures.